Gym Essentials to Ask for This Christmas

With the holidays approaching, now is a great time to start putting together your Christmas list, and what better items to ask for than gym equipment? It's incredibly useful, and your relatives will be impressed with your new lifestyle change. Here are some essential items I use all the time in my fitness journey that you should put on your list to Santa: 1. Gym Clothes I used to throw on shorts and a T-shirt for a workout, but I really enjoy getting DRESSED for the gym -- similar to getting dressed up to go to a nice restaurant. It makes me feel confident and like I belong. There are so many fitness brands that exist today that didn't five years ago. Some brands are really good, and others are far too expensive for what you receive. My favorite fitness clothing brand is YoungLA. Their items have gone up in price lately due to their surge in popularity, but most of the items I have received have been amazing. Gymshark is also a strong brand choice. Their clothing is not as wel...