Leg Day, Part 2: Glutes and Hamstrings
In part one of my leg day series, we talked about quads and calves. We mentioned that it was a good idea to split up leg day into at least two different days. This was because the quads consist of a group of muscles, and that groups of muscles working together at the same time will fatigue the body much faster due to the amount of oxygen it needs. Today, we'll talk about the other side of the leg day coin - glutes and hamstrings. Anatomy of the Hamstrings The hamstrings consist of three muscles: the biceps femoris, the semimembranosus, and the semitendinosus. These muscles form a muscle group and it is very hard to isolate each muscle during a workout. Similar to the quads, since these muscles work together during a lift, they require much more oxygen and will thus lead to fatigue much faster than other muscles. There are two ways you can work your hamstrings: in a lengthened position and a shorted position. The Lengthened Position Targeting the hamstrings in a lengthened position...