My Secret to Getting a Whack Back

I first began weightlifting because it was required to do Track & Field at my high school. We would alternate every other day between Upper Body and Lower Body days. Upper Body mainly consisted of chest and shoulder workouts, and Lower Body days were spent doing squats and deadlifts. I got much stronger doing these lifts daily, and I became much more confident in myself due to the muscle I was putting on. However, over time I began to develop a hunch when I walked. I had been working out my chest and shoulders so much that my back wasn't able to carry myself around! Working out your back is incredibly important for your long-term health, but it can be difficult to know where to start. This blog post will detail my thought process for training my back. Anatomy of the Back The back can be an incredibly complex muscle group to look at, and to be honest, it IS an incredibly complex muscle group to look at. However, the back is an amazing muscle group for two reasons: it heals incr...